Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

organum cavum arboriale lymphaticum

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Top level systema lymphaticum Short Extended
Level 2 organa lymphatica secundaria Short Extended
Current level organum cavum arboriale lymphaticum Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
5024 13442
organum cavum arboriale lymphaticum
lymphatic tree-like hollow organ
vasa lymphatica
lymphatic vessels
321554 4859
nodi lymphatici ; nodi lymphoidei; lymphonodi nodus
lymph nodes; lymph glands
# nodus lymphaticus ; nodus lymphoideus; lymphonodus
# lymph node; lymph gland
74604 4896
capsula nodi lymphatici ; capsula nodi lymphoidei
capsule of lymph node
76545 4897
trabeculae nodi lymphatici ; trabeculae nodi lymphoidei
trabeculae of lymph node
62842 4898
hilum nodi lymphatici ; hilum nodi lymphoidei
hilum of lymph node
66253 4899
cortex nodi lymphatici ; cortex nodi lymphoidei
cortex of lymph node
66254 4900
medulla nodi lymphatici ; medulla nodi lymphoidei
medulla of lymph node
76465 2571
noduli lymphatici solitarii ; noduli lymphoidei solitarii
solitary lymph nodules
76466 2572
noduli lymphatici aggregati ; noduli lymphoidei aggregati
aggregated lymph nodules
5034 4895
nodi lymphatici regionales ; nodi lymphoidei regionales
regional lymph nodes
nodi junctionales
junctional nodes
321555 4901
lymph nodes of head (pair)
lymph nodes of neck; cervical lymph nodes
71740 4939
lymph nodes of upper limb (pair)
thoracic lymph nodes
abdominal lymph nodes
71817 5016
pelvic lymph nodes
71843 5046
lymph nodes of lower limb (pair)
20 lines
30.0 %
30.0 %
8 partial items
12 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For a radiological approach, see Harisinghani MG, ed (2013) Atlas of Lymph Node Anatomy. Springer, New York. Several of the radiological subdivision are added to this Section.
Date: 26.02.2024